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5 localization tips to reach your target audience

In today’s interconnected world, there’s immense potential for your business to expand beyond geographical boundaries to capture shoppers that have been previously inaccessible. Your global success depends on how well your business can localize your website, products, or services.

If you want to ensure that your international marketing campaigns are successful, these 5 localization tips will help keep you on track.


5 Localization Tips and Best Practices

1. Don’t Lose Your Brand’s Message in Translation

Not all businesses succeed in a new market, and even some big names have floundered. For example, the luxury car manufacturer, Mercedes-Benz, introduced its brand to the Chinese under the name Bensi, which, unfortunately, translates as a rush to die. Not a good name if you want to sell a car!

Localization tip: Always have a local translator check your brand names.

Pay attention to the local language and make sure your brand, tagline, or product name is translated so that it conveys the message you want. The lesson here is to not let your brand name or message get lost in the translation.

2. Be Mindful of Cultural Differences

Before you expand to a new target country, consider important cultural differences. Understand the local culture and history and make sure that your branding is compatible.

3. Craft an Easy to Understand Message

If you want your target customers to appreciate your brand, you need to communicate with them effectively. This means that your brand messaging should be easy to understand. The best way to accomplish this is to engage a native speaker of the local language who has deep knowledge of the culture. Hiring native speakers and in-country reviewers will help you build effective brand messaging that’ free from translation mistakes.

4. Test Your Localization

You need a localization tester who is fluent in the local language. A good localization tester will inform you if there are issues with the translation – and so much more. The tester should be instructed to look at every single part of your website and app and report back on any problems. Perhaps there are words or images that the local culture won’t understand or might even find offensive, or there might be text that doesn’t quite fit on the page.

5. Get Regular Feedback

How do you know if your customers are satisfied with your business? You get their feedback, of course. Feedback is essential for the localization process. Ask your international customers what they like or dislike about your website, products, or services. The more information you have, the easier it will be to make useful changes.