Website Localization

Thanks to the online international market, selling in foreign countries is easier than ever.  Making products and services available to your targeted users is  just one click away. Website localization increases your brand exposure and helps you reach a larger number of potential customers. With a localized marketing strategy, you’ll convert your foreign visitors into clients and increase revenue tenfold.

With so many competitors already localizing for various different markets, you can’t afford to bury your head in the sand if you want to improve your market share and grow your business. Our team of native language experts will help you localize your website to increase brand awareness and secure revenue and help your business expand to the market of your target users.

Why should you implement website localization?

Localization helps you communicate with your new audience on a meaningful level, rather than simply through translation. This leads to deeper connections, more loyalty, and greater customer satisfaction. Localization helps you do the following:

1. Enter new markets 


Not every product or service, in its original form, is an automatic good fit for new markets. If McDonald’s had not prioritized chicken and paneer burgers, it would have struggled to enter the Indian market, where the majority of consumers don’t eat beef. Starbucks weathered a costly failure in Australia by not paying attention to local coffee tastes.

By paying attention to the needs of your new target audience and using good localization practices, you can hit the ground running in new markets across different countries. Good localization means you’ll avoid potential cultural misunderstandings that could impact your brand.

2. Gain a competitive edge 

Businesses that localize their offerings are more successful than those that choose to ignore local cultural norms and needs. With localization, you can ensure your business stays dynamic and competitive in a crowded market.

3. Improve User Experience

No one likes going to a website only to find it full of missing characters, text displaying awkwardly, and graphics in a foreign language. Visitors used to English pubs will be confused that they can’t order at the bar if you open a branch of your Chinese bar chain in the UK. Shoppers interested in your clothing line will be put off if they don’t understand the sizes you’re offering.

Localization offers you the chance to ensure that, wherever they are, your target audience will always have a positive user experience with your brand, which leads to improved user experience.

4. Build Customer Loyalty

People are most loyal to businesses and services that they feel care about them and their needs. An interaction with “Faceless Mega Corp (TM)” won’t inspire loyalty; but an interaction with an E-commerce brand that understands local customs, holidays, and other quirks, will feel much more right and encourage customers to return again and again. And this ultimately leads to customer loyalty.

5. Increase your revenue

With the right content localization strategy, you’ll have no trouble selling in new markets, to new and potential customers. This helps you optimize your business and grow your revenue.

Website localization – get started with L10N Solutions

Website localization doesn’t need to be scary. With the right tools by your side, the process can be a lot quicker and more efficient than you thought!

With L10N Solutions as your localization solution, you can enter new non-English international markets and scale faster. Thanks to its automation, you can say goodbye to manual work. L10N Solutions helps you with content localization through easy website translation management, automatic content detection and localization of all relevant formats. The best part is that you don’t necessarily have to burn a hole in your pocket or hire expensive linguists. All you need is the URL of your website to get started!

Cost-efficient services

We offer our services and deliver the best quality at as much low cost as possible. We don't compromise quality. We are example of quality + cost-effective language services provider.

Working Round The Clock

Our teams work around-the-clock to cater to clients across the Globe, anywhere, in any language and anytime. we offer around-the-clock customer support.

Professional experts

We hire professionals after verifying their knowledge and skills so that they deliver projects with proficiency. We offer the best performance levels in the industry, with a 99% success rate of deliveries.

Quality Assurance

Quality is in our DNA. With combination of smart allocation, QA & review processes, we provide high quality and on-demand translation services within your defined budgets.