Machine Translation

Machine Translation (MT) or automated translation is the process of using artificial intelligence to automatically translate text from one language to another without human involvement. Modern machine translation goes beyond simple word-to-word translation to communicate the full meaning of the original language text in the target language. It analyzes all text elements and recognizes how the words influence one another. 

What are the benefits of machine translation?

Human translators use machine translation services to translate faster and more efficiently. We give some benefits of machine translation below:

Automated translation assistance: Machine translation provides a good starting point for professional human translators. Many translation management systems integrate one or more machine translation models into their workflow. They have settings to run translations automatically, then send them to human translators for post-editing.

Speed and volume: Machine translation works very fast, translating millions of words almost instantaneously. It can translate large amounts of data, such as real-time chat or large-scale legal cases. It can also process documents in a foreign language, search for relevant terms, and remember those terms for future applications.

Saves time: Machine language translation can save significant time as it is capable of translating entire text documents in seconds. However, please bear in mind that human translators should always post-edit translations done by MTs.

cost-effective translation: Machine Translation can substantially lower your costs, as it increases productivity and the ability to deliver translations faster, reducing the time to market. There is less human involvement in the process as machine translation provides basic but valuable translations, reducing both the cost and time of delivery. For example, in high-volume projects, you can integrate machine translation with your content management systems to automatically tag and organize the content before translating it to different languages.

Large language selection: Many major machine translation providers offer support for 50-100+ languages. Translations also happen simultaneously for multiple languages, which is useful for global product rollouts and documentation updates.

Memorizes terms: Another benefit of machine language translation is its ability to memorize key terms and reuse them wherever they might fit.

Machine Translation Post-Editing  

Machine translation post-editing (MTPE) is the process where a text that was previously pre-translated by an MT engine reaches its final form after being edited by a human translator. It is increasingly popular among translators and LSPs because it can strike the perfect balance between the speed of machine translation and the linguistic and material knowledge of a human translator. There are several advantages to this method compared to human translation. 

It saves you time: Compared to human translation, MTPE can make you up to 350% more productive. A human translator can translate around 2000 words per day. By using the machine translation post-editing method, this number can go as high as 7000 words in a single day. 

It saves you money: When you are able to perform more translations in less time, it is obviously more cost-effective. You can achieve the same quality with MTPE as human translation since the machine-translated text also receives human editing to make the text more readable and appropriate for the audience. 

Great for large amounts of text: Sometimes there are projects where you have to deal with immense amounts of text to be translated within a short timeframe. Depending on the type of the text and the target audience, MTPE can be an optimal solution for such projects. 

Why Invest in Machine Translation Post Editing Services

The objective of Machine Translation Post Editing is to make, information translated by computers accurate enough for human translators to comprehend it and readily modify the material. Machine-translated texts must be reviewed and revised by linguists and qualified translators who have a thorough understanding of MT. The process is commonly known as MTPE (Machine Translation + Post Editing).

Reasons, why one must invest in Machine Translation Post Editing Services, are as follows:

  • Speed: Machine translation is always far quicker than human translation. Linguists with an in-depth knowledge of MT check and modify the machine translated large amount of data under MTPE process.
  • Cutbacks: Compared to traditional human translation, machine translation and MTPE services are far more affordable. Even with post-editing, the system still guarantees a 15-20% cost savings.
  • Quality Content: Machine Translation with Post Editing has been able to meet consumer expectations and deliver high-quality material with the help of given advancements in technology.


Benefits of hiring our Machine Translation Post Editing Services:

We give credence to the fact that Machine Translation has a few limitations, which is why we carry out a post-editing process for our clients to maintain the optimum quality of the content. Our human translator makes certain to deliver a translated copy without distorting the document’s essential points and places special emphasis on preserving the document’s structure, images, and other attachments.

Cost-efficient services

We offer our services and deliver the best quality at as much low cost as possible. We don't compromise quality. We are example of quality + cost-effective language services provider.

Working Round The Clock

Our teams work around-the-clock to cater to clients across the Globe, anywhere, in any language and anytime. we offer around-the-clock customer support.

Professional experts

We hire professionals after verifying their knowledge and skills so that they deliver projects with proficiency. We offer the best performance levels in the industry, with a 99% success rate of deliveries.

Quality Assurance

Quality is in our DNA. With combination of smart allocation, QA & review processes, we provide high quality and on-demand translation services within your defined budgets.